The program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 24, 2023

On February 20, 2023, first-year students of the Department of Philology of the Ala-Too International University celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day together with foreign lecturers.

The rector, foreign teachers – Edward Morgan, Brian Kelly and other lecturers were invited to the event. The thematic program began with wonderful songs by AIU student Karina Kim, the students also sang the song “Katyusha”, read poems in English and gave a beautiful dance to the song “Blue Handkerchief”. Then it was accompanied by an interesting story about why it is celebrated on February 23.

Students artistically showed a short scene of how they took the young men to the war, how they fought bravely and returned victorious. In addition to the bravery and courage of the young men, the tireless work of a medical worker, where she provides first aid to soldiers, was also reflected. At the end of the program, the guests together with the students enjoyed a delicious meal and thanked them for the excellent organization!